A BIG VOICE - Singing & Entertainment Services

Corporate Entertainment and Hospitality, Entertainers, Music Teachers

A BIG VOICE - Singing & Entertainment Services

Co/ Queens Park Art Centre, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, HP217RT  (Show me directions)

07708 0...Mobile    Mobile   

  Monday to Friday: 09:30 to 19:30 , Saturday: 10:00 to 12:00 , Sunday: Closed



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A BIG VOICE - Singing & Entertainment services

'A B I G V O I C E' - Singing & Entertainment Services

is our umbrella name for a variety of services we offer within the remit of Singing & Entertainment. We are accustomed to accommodating all ages and abilities who want to use singing as a means of a hobby, a corporate team building workshop, enhance their vocal career, be entertained, or have us hosting a party or an event.

Since 2006, A BIG VOICE has expanded it's perimeters of clients from across Buckinghamshire, to Oxfordshire, Herts, Beds, outskirts of North London and the South East. With the support and assistance of a small but dedicated team of individuals.

1). A BIG VOICE -Singing Tuition
2). A BIG VOICE -Live Music Entertainment
3). A BIG VOICE -Community Pop Choirs
4). A BIG VOICE -Singing Workshops (Team Building)
5). A BIG VOICE -Tunes4Toddlers (Music Groups)
6). A BIG VOICE -Children's Parties (0-10yrs)

We can also provide the following for your events:


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