Lee Spares

Car Accessories and Parts

 car parts, car parts near me, fiat ducato parts, ford transit parts, iveco daily parts, sprinter parts, transit parts, transit parts staines, van parts staines, van spares staines

35 Ferry Lane, Staines, TW19 6HG  (Show me directions)

020 889...Landline    Landline   

  Monday to Friday: 09:00 to 15:00 , Saturday to Sunday: Closed




We have over 35 years experience in selling parts/Spares for all Light Commercial Vehicle and 4x4 Vehicles.We started selling van spares /parts over 35 years ago.We sell Engines,Gearboxes,Axles plus thousands of other parts for all makes and models of vans and 4x4's such as Ford Transit,Mercedes Sprinter,LDV Maxus,Volkswagen Crafter,Renault Trafic,Master,Kangoo,Vauxhall Movano,Nissan Interstar,NV400,Citroen relay,Peugeot Boxer,Fiat Ducato.We sell new and used parts such as wing/door mirrors and lots of new and used LDV Maxus parts.We offer next day delivery on most parts.We deliver all over the UK and you can also collect from us.Whatever part/s you need please feel free to get in touch.

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