Hoxton Apprentice Restaurant


 British cuisine, apprenticeship restaurant, modern decor, British cuisine, apprenticeship restaurant, modern decor

Hoxton Apprentice Restaurant

16 Hoxton Square, London, N1 6NT  (Show me directions)

020 774...Landline    Landline    020 773...Nick Boland    Nick Boland   

020 7749 2829    020 7749 2829   


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The Hoxton Apprentice - great food with god intentions.

The Hoxton Apprentice Restaurant, located in the buzzing heart of Shoreditch was opened by the celebrated chef and restaurateur Pru Leith in May 2004 with the simple purpose: to give its diners top quality and affordable eating experience and to prepare unemployed people for jobs in hospitality industry.

It is a perfect alternative meeting place for an informal catch-up over a cup of coffee, delicious lunch or dinner or private event.


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