S E Connor Locksmiths


 emergency locksmiths, key cutting, lock changes, lock fitting, lock outs, locksmith, master key, lock repairs, replacement locks, safe opening

S E Connor Locksmiths

58 Leavesden Road, Watford, Hertfordshire, WD24 5EE  (Show me directions)

01923 2...Landline    Landline   

01923 212216    01923 212216   



SE Connor (Locksmiths) Ltd

Our company is a member of the Master Locksmith Association and as part of this we are pleased to say we offer exceptional service and quality with all our work coming fully guaranteed. We give free & Friendly advice. Our locksmiths undertake courses and exams and keep abreast of new information and locksmith technology. Our vans are fully equipped with locks and products and fitted on request.

We specialize in mobile 24 hour callouts including bank holidays with a rapid response to all emergencies, our services include: Opening all locks in emergency, Lock changes, Emergency door replacement service, Safe opening service, Insurance approved BS3261 locks, Security upgrades, Emergency burglary repairs services, Emergency door and frame carpentry repairs, Supply & fit all types of door/window/lock/security reinforcement Products, We provide key cutting services on site, Supply and fit to order master suite systems, Supply and fit to order safes and safe installation, Supply and fit of restricted locks with patented keys to prevent duplication.

Locks: Banham, Ingersoll, Chubb, Era, Zone, Cisa, Union, Yale, Adams Wright, Master, Euro/Oval Cylinders, Digital door locks, UPVC door systems. Security & Frame reinforcements: London bars, Birmingham bars, Lock guards, Anti-thrust plates, Door closers, Concealed or surface mounted panic bars. Kickstop security products: A large percentage of burglaries are committed by 'kicking in' the door. The home Office statistics state this is as high as 71%. When fitting mortice locks, the door has to be chiselled and pieces of wood are removed to fit the lock, this weakens the door and frame and will result in much weakened door security. Because the fitting of most door locks involves the removal of wood, the weakened door or frame will split around the locks during a forcible entry or a 'kick-in'.


Mr David Henderson

(Managing Director)


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