Pilgrim Payne

Carpet, Curtain and Upholstery Cleaners

 carpet cleaners, interior design, rug cleaning, upholstery cleaning, curtain makers, upholsterers, carpet upholstery cleaners, rug repairs, furniture cleaning, curtain cleaning, general cleaning, blind makers, fabric carpet protector, curtain relining, flame retardant services

Pilgrim Payne

Unit 12-14 Wharfside, Rosemont Road, Wembley, Middlesex, HA0 4PE  (Show me directions)

020 845...Landline    Landline   

020 8453 5604    020 8453 5604   


Website    Website   


We have delivered highest quality service for 160 years. We are the most experienced and reliable cleaners of curtains, carpets,rugs and upholstery. We make curtains, blinds, re-upholster furniture, flame retard fabrics, repair rugs. Interior Design.


Mr Graham Doyle

(Managing Director)


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